I'd disagreee with this point. In a lot of cases, the facts are on the side of the left and today it seems the right couldn't care less about facts. They seem to revel in their disdain for facts and their leader, Donald Trump, uses the term "Fake news" against anything that questions his motivations and actions. You don't see that on the left. You don't see the left rallying around figures who get arrested or in trouble with the law. Look at the differing reactions to Trump's indictments and Robert Menedez's in New Jersey. The right ignores all the facts about Trump's obvious guilt while the left calls for Menedez to be put on trail, fairly and squarely. No one has rallied around him because they trust the legal system. The biggest problem is one side completely and utterly ignores an assessment of fact. How can you have a civilized political discourse if you can't agree the color of the sky is blue? Ditto for climate change, one side believes what 97% of climate scientists are saying while the other side sides with the 3% of scientists funded by the polluters.
Let us not forget the right's take on taxes, i.e., the "No new taxes pledge" the Republican politicians are forced to sign by Grover Norquist No new taxes pledge - how are you supposed to negotiate when one side refuses to budge? Ditto the NRA with its no restriction on guns whatsoever. We need to understand that one party is intractable in every sense of the word while the other one acts like an adult. They understand politics exists on a spectrum, there’s a lot of horsetrading that goes into it. Regarding taxes, they go up and down due to various reasons, both political and economic. Shouldn't the blame fall on the party that just refuses to sit down at the negotiating table and act responsibly?